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A collection of chemistry codes written in the X10 language.

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This program is controlled by the Eclipse Public Licence v1.0


ANUChem is a suite of computational chemistry codes written in the X10 programming language.

It is intended to test the expressiveness, performance and scalability of X10 for use in developing scientific application codes.

ANUChem currently contains three significant application codes:

The individual codes are described in ${appname}/README including the build process and test inputs.

In addition, there are a number of smaller codes contained in ./samples and ./microbenchmarks. These are codes from outside the chemistry domain which exercise specific features of the X10 language.


$ ant

will build and test the major application codes in ANUChem (fmm, pme and pumjarasaayani).

Each application or sample subdirectory also has either an Ant build script or a Makefile.

Working with ANUChem

The codes are under continuous revision and the current source is available in the ANUChem Github project.

In addition, there are source distributions containing "release" versions of the source code that compile against each released version of X10.

For any questions about building, testing or extending ANUChem, please email

ANUChem is free software under the Eclipse Public License.

Referencing ANUChem

Please cite the following paper when referencing ANUChem in a publication.

J. Milthorpe, V. Ganesh, A.P. Rendell, and D. Grove (2011). X10 as a parallel language for scientific computation: practice and experience, in proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (ISBN 978-0-7695-4385-7), 1080-1088 doi:10.1109/IPDPS.2011.103